Moveo Sports and Manual Physiotherapy strive to offer quality treatment and services. We will exceed expectations and aim for patient satisfaction by providing personalized quality care everyday.
The ultimate goals for our practice rely on these basic principals:
- Assess each patient individually, as per their specific needs
- Educate and broaden our patients knowledge
- Providing a hands on approach
- Offer a safe and respectful environment for our patients and our supporting staff
- Empower our patients to pursue an active and healthy lifestyle
Our physiotherapists believe that manual therapy is an important factor in the treatment plan for our patients. Physiotherapy should rely on specific hands-on assessment of joints and should also be treated accordingly. Our therapists have a strong interest in manual therapy.
Physiotherapists who are Fellows of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (FCAMPT) have completed extensive post-graduate education in the area of orthopedics and have achieved internationally recognized qualifications in hands-on manual and manipulative therapy.
FCAMPT physiotherapists’ knowledge and skills enable them to treat complex pathology and movement disorders of both the spine and extremities, which can cause both acute and chronic pain and disability.
Physiotherapists with the FCAMPT designation are committed to providing the highest level of quality, patient-centered care combining clinical experience with evidence-based practice.
See CAMPT website for further information.